Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Helping others

     I have always spoke up and out loud about having bipolar disorder. I have had people contact me and ask for help on where they can go to get help or they just want someone to talk to who gets its. Someone I know who reached out to me because I can relate to what she is going through went missing recently. It created panic for a lot of people. About 12 after she had been missing she was found at a local behavioral hospital were she had checked herself in.

    There were many mixed feelings going around about the situation. My main feeling - proud. I was proud of her that she was brave enough to check herself in and that she was aware enough that she needed help. Yes, I wish would have left a note or something saying that is what her plan was but you know what? She isn't dead and I know that was her second choice. The other people who were also looking for her had a hard time getting past the anger stage. I know my perspective is different and they can feel angry, I was just relived she was alive and had the courage to check herself in.

    I would rather someone be missing for 12 hours and I find them in the hospital getting help then dead somewhere. This illness has a mind of its own and when it takes over we are not the same person who can think clearly. This also brings up another topic which is having a strong support system that you can trust is important in becoming stable and maintaining stability. I am blessed that my wife is someone I can go to any time of the day and say I need to check myself in. And she will say let's go. My parents, my in-laws, my sister and brother-in-law are all are part of my support system.

While I truly enjoy and am honored that other's feel comfortable coming to me to ask for help; I do have to remind myself to not get too involved because like a common cold when someone else is cycling it can be contagious and I don't want it to effect me so much to where now I need to check myself in. Again that is where my wife is good at stepping in and being that checks and balances.

Here are some resources for help:

NAMI Helpline

Suicide Prevention Lifeline

The Trevor Project